Customer Testimonials

Shri. P. HaridasSecretary – D G Vaishnav College, Chennai

We are using Solar Products from Solkar in our DGV college for Street Lighting, Library building solar Water Heating systems for Hostel and 100 KW Solar Power Plant.

Our correlation with Solkar has been for the last 3 years and we are very happy with the solar systems provided by them. They are also prompt in maintaining of the systems and support service. I Wish them all the best.

Er. R. MohanrajCorrespondent - Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode

We have installed a 20 KW Grid tie system in our College at Erode about 8 months back .

The system has been giving on an average 90 units a day . We are very highly benefited and Solkar maintains they system well.

Mrs. Dilara BegumOwner - Hotel Himalaya Residency, Chennai

We have Solar Water heating system in our Hotel from Solkar since 1987 even after 27 years, the system is working fine and it always receives personal attention of Mr.K.E.Raghunathan. Infact this was the 1st industrial solar water heating system installed by Mr.K.E.Raghunathan and we are very happy to see his progress and achievements.

Mr. V. MohananCeo, Maritime Foundation, Chennai

We have installed Solar Power Plant 40 KW with Battery backup in our Campus. We had frequent power failure and foreign students were suffering in darkness before installation of Solar system. Last one year we are saved from such power cuts through the systems installed by Solkar.

We are very happy to have invested in Solar and purchased the system from Solkar.

Mr. MuralidharanFounder & Managing Trustee, Sevalaya, Chennai

Our campus has completely solar powered – Solar Water Heating systems, Solar Street lights and Solar Power Plant installed by Solkar with the financial support and grant from Mr.Page Pierre, Switzerland.

They have given us a trouble free working system and user friendly operation guidelines. We are thankful to Solkar and Mr.Page for gifting us such a wonderful solar system in our campus which is very helpful to children and old age inmates more comfortable.